Full Load was designed to improve the efficacy of glyphosate and other salt (amine) formulated herbicides such as 2,4-D amine and dicamba. The performance increase was excellent as seen below in this field trial on Canadian thistle. Excellent activity on perennial weeds is a good indication that the adjuvant is making more herbicide available and increasing uptake of the herbicide.
Full Load was soon to show that its surfactant blend not only helped with other salt formulated herbicides but also made glyphosate applications more consistent over more environmental conditions and more weed species. As seen in the trial below where Full Load significantly out performed AMS + NIS when sprayed with glyphosate.
Clarity 0.375 lbsae/A
Clarity .0375 lbsae/A + Full Load
Clarity 0.375 lbsae/A + AMS 17 lbs/100+NIS